Recurring payments with bank cards are available again in your dashboard! This was the final step of our integration with Stripe payment system, and we hope it made our service more convenient. Like before, on first payment our website will offer you to save your card for futher recurring payments. Have doubts? No problem, you can manage your cards and recurring payment settings later in your dashboard (link).
If you don't trust automatics, yet want to skip entering your payment data every time, then Stripe allows you to save your card for further one-click payments. To do this, press the "Save payment method..." checkbox before completing any payment.
In both cases, the card details will be stored in Stripe payment system in full compliance with state-of-the-art security requirements. This data can be deleted at any time in your dashboard, but if you face any issues, just create a ticket and we will help.
Further improvements are in progress, we will keep you updated!
Recurring payments with bank cards are available again in your dashboard! This was the final step of our integration with Stripe payment system, and we hope it made our service more convenient. Like before, on first payment our website will offer you to save your card for futher recurring payments. Have doubts? No problem, you can manage your cards and recurring payment settings later in your dashboard (link).
If you don't trust automatics, yet want to skip entering your payment data every time, then Stripe allows you to save your card for further one-click payments. To do this, press the "Save payment method..." checkbox before completing any payment.
In both cases, the card details will be stored in Stripe payment system in full compliance with state-of-the-art security requirements. This data can be deleted at any time in your dashboard, but if you face any issues, just create a ticket and we will help.
Further improvements are in progress, we will keep you updated!