Where are the settings for connecting to the database in the CMS

Where are the settings for connecting to the database in the CMS

##Wordpress In the root directory of your site in the wp-config.php file, find the lines

define('DB_NAME', 'u7777_database');
define('DB_USER', 'u777_dbuser');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password');
  • u77777_database - the database used by the site;
  • u777_dbuser - user, on behalf of which website connects to the database;
  • password - password with which the site connects to the database.

##Joomla Data for connecting to the database in Joomla, specified in the configuration file configuration.php in the root directory of your site, in the file configuration.php find the lines:

var $user = 'u77777_dbuser'     
var $db = 'u777_database'    
var $password = 'password';


public $host = 'host';
public $db = 'database_data';
public $user = 'login';
public $password = 'password';
  • u77777_dbuser - the user on whose behalf the site connects to the database;
  • u777_database - database used by the website;
  • password - password with which the site connects to the database.

##Bitrix Depending on the version of Bitrix, namely the kernel used, information about connecting to the database is contained in different files.

Bitrix with the new D7 kernel

Starting with 1C-Bitrix: Site Management 14.0 version, database settings are stored in /bitrix/.settings.php file in the "connections" section

'database' => 'u777_database', 
'login' => 'u777_dbuser',     
``"password" => 'password', 

Bitrix with an old kernel: In the root directory of your site, go to the /bitrix/php_interface/dbconn.php subdirectory and find the lines:

$DBLogin = "u777_dbuser";
$DBPassword = "password";
$DBName = "u777_database;
  • u77777_dbuser - user who connects to the database;
  • password - password with which the website connects to the database;
  • u77777_database - database used by the site.

##Drupal 6 In the file /sites/default/settings.php find the line:

$db_url = 'mysql://username:password@mysqlhost/databasename';
  • username - user name;
  • password - password;
  • mysqlhost - database server;
  • databasename - database name.

##Drupal 7 In the file /sites/default/settings.php find the lines:

'database' => 'u777_database', 
` ` username' => 'u777_dbuser',  
'password' => 'password',      
  • u77777_database is the name of the database
  • u777_dbusert - database user
  • password - user password

##ModX In /core/config/config.inc.php find lines:

$database_user = 'u77777_dbuser';
$database_password = 'password';
$dbase = 'u77777_database';
  • u77777_dbuser - user on whose behalf the site connects to the database;
  • password - password with which the website connects to the database;
  • u77777_database - database used by the site.

##DLE In the /engine/data/dbconfig.php file, find the line:

define ("DBNAME", "u77777_database");
define ("DBUSER", "u777_dbuser");
define ("DBPASS", "password");
  • u777_database - name of the database
  • u777_dbusert - database user
  • password - user password

##PrestaShop In /config/settings.inc.php or /app/config/parameters.php you should find the lines:

define('_DB_NAME_', 'u7777_database');
define('_DB_USER_', 'u77777_dbuser');
define('_DB_PASSWD_', 'password');
  • u77777_database - name of the database
  • u777_dbusert - database user
  • password - user password

##MODx In the file /manager/includes/config.inc.php you should find the lines:

$database_user = 'u777_dbuser';
$database_password = 'password';
$dbase = 'u77777_database';
  • u77777_dbusert - database user
  • password - user password
  • u777_database - database name.

##Magento In the file app/etc/local.xml you should find the lines:

  • u77777_dbusert - database user
  • password - user password
  • u777_database - database name.

##Opencart Files config.php and admin/config.php need to find lines:

define('DB_USERNAME', 'u77777_dbusert');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password');
define('DB_DATABASE', 'u777_database');
  • u777_dbusert - database user
  • password - user password
  • u777_database - database name.

###ImageCMS** In the file application/config/database.php you need to find the lines:

$db['default']['username'] = 'u77777_dbusert';
$db['default']['password'] = 'password';
$db['default']['database'] = 'u77777_database';
  • u77777_dbusert - database user
  • password - user password
  • u777_database - database name.

##PHPShop In the file /phpshop/inc/config.ini you need to find the lines:

user_db = "u777_dbusert";
`` pass_db = "password";
dbase = "u77777_database";
  • u77777_dbusert - database user
  • password - user password
  • u777_database - database name.

##WebAsyst Files /dblist/login.xml , /kernel/wbs.xml and cache file /temp/scdb/.settings.login:

  • u777_database - database name;
  • password - user password
  • u777_dbusert - database user.

##ShopCMS In the file /core/config/connect.inc.php you should find lines:

define('DB_USER', 'username');
define('DB_PASS', 'password');
define('DB_NAME', 'database_name');
  • u777_dbusert - database user
  • password - user password
  • u777_database - database name.

##Shop-script In the file /cfg/connect.inc.php you need to find the lines:

define('DB_USER', 'u777_dbusert');
define('DB_PASS', 'password');
define('DB_NAME', 'u777_database');
  • u777_dbusert - database user
  • password - user password
  • u777_database - database name.
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